Dana Voss

Director of Education


Dana graduated from the University of Miami with a degree in Psychology. She then earned a Master of Science in Counselor Education from Florida International University and holds a certificate in Educational Therapy.


Dana has dedicated her career to education since 2004. As an experienced educator, she is passionate about creating engaging and effective learning experiences. She served as a Special Education Teacher in both public and private school settings. Additionally, Dana held the roles of Director of Homework Café and Special Education Lead at Fusion Academy Miami for nearly 5 years before relocating to Georgia. Beyond her educational background, she has also worked as a mental health counselor, focusing on empathy, understanding, and personal growth.

Fun Facts and Hobbies

  • Dana adores animals and finds joy in fostering dogs and cats, ensuring they find their forever homes.
  • Dana loves camping and boating adventures with her husband, their two boys, and their sweet pups!